Space Leads to Choice

Space leads to choice.

(And oh how hard it is to get in this digital, inbox, millions-of-notifications age!)

Building off of last week's post - when we notice that our thoughts are mental activity... we create some space between stimulus and response because we have slowed down what would typically be an automatic process. We then have choice about what the response will be and how we will engage in generating the response. With choice... there is much freedom.

This can also apply to a larger and more external scale as well. Say we are cut off by another car while driving down the highway. For most humans - cue sympathetic nervous system reaction where cortisol (and maybe some adrenaline) are dumped into the blood stream...muscles tense...our visual focus might narrow...and certainly the words either want to say (or do...depending on who's around!) bubble up to the surface. When we notice this car...this driver...these stimuli...have triggered the slew of reactions, we have moments of choice regarding how to respond.

We might consider our goals (for the day or longer-term) - what behavior would align with these goals? Maybe it's putting pedal-to-the-metal and riding the tail of the car who cut you off... And... I'm going to venture that for most this is NOT what is aligned with those goals. Maybe it's gratitude that you're safe. Maybe it's noticing the jolt of sympathetic nervous system reaction (it's automatic after all) and reactions this had on the body. Maybe it's acknowledging that it was stressful...and you have curious thoughts about what the other person is going through that led to cutting you off. Some of these reactions are going to create more and more space between stimuli and responses to come throughout the day.

So - on this Mindful Monday... consider how you might create some moments of space. Be curious about the stimuli and your response to them. This isn't about good or's about creating space and choice. Wishing you all a very SPACIOUS week!

Here is a short meditation to help hone in the skill of slowing breath at a time. Remember...this all takes PRACTICE!

Lindsay SauersComment