Mindfulness & MLK Day


Today we honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and his profound message of love and compassion.

In a lot of ways, it can be much easier to "hate" or dislike than to love. If we hate, we close ourselves off...seemingly protected by a crust that keeps us separated from others. Pros - we *think* we're protected.
Cons - we really are alone behind that false protection.

Love is vulnerable. While not the exact same as love, compassion comes from the Latin word "compati," which means "to suffer with" - this, too, is quite vulnerable. And yet - love and compassion open us to the opportunity of connection and sharing. While we may learn to discern differences fairly quickly, connection and opening to others allows us the opportunity to see how we are all part of one large HUMAN family...and really never alone.

How do we PRACTICE love? Check out the below link for an article about Dr. King's mission and its roots in love - you might identify some ways that you, too, can share this mission. And...there is a link to loving kindness meditation to practice.

Wishing you all a very Mindful, MLK Day Monday! 




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